General Info


I recently took the Y-DNA test from Family Tree DNA. If you didn’t know, Y-DNA is passed down on the paternal side. From father to son only and is not passed down to daughters.

The thing that amazed me was that out of the matches that I have seen so far, there were no Ackerman’s. No matter how you spell it. Now mind you there weren’t a lot of matches to begin with. Probably because I took the least expensive test. The surname that most of the matches had was Dillman.

Dillman (10)
Blumentritt (1)
Hill (1)
Young (1)

I did a search on Ancestry for Dillman DNA matches and found two matches. One with a private tree and the other with very little information dating back to 1760 and possibly 1740ish.

This could mean that someone may have taken their mother’s name or changed their name at some point or was adopted.

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Ackerman Family