Born in 1789 according to U.S. Army record of enlistments in PA or VA. However, in the article “A Portrait and biographical record of Allen & Van Wert Counties, Ohio” dated 1896 it states that Andrew was from PA.
Some have Andrew married to Letitia Gorman, most have him married to Letitia Beach. I believe he was married to both.

Translation of this has Andrew Carvel. Is it Carvel or Carrel. One thing I’ve learned is that Andrew’s last name is spelled many ways. This is from Washington County, Ohio, so the location is right. If this is in fact Andrew, it proves that he was previously married to Letitia Gorman.
Letitia Gorman was born in about 1786. To Andrew and Letitia Gorman was born Margaret Carrolle in 1808. Margaret F. married Abraham Birdsell. I do have a DNA match for Birdsell which surely goes back to Andrew.
We know that Andrew married Letitia Beach in Morgan County Ohio in 1813. Keziah B. Carroll was born in 18 May 1814.